Business Assessment
tracks and evaluates clients’ business progress, including identifying expertise and services needed to move the business plan forward, and timeframes for major tasks to be completed. The initial (baseline) assessment would occur upon acceptance into the CUE, client is required to meet on a monthly basis or as business issues dictate. The final assessment would be a graduation transition plan that links the entrepreneurial business to appropriate resources to secure its own space/kitchen.
a 30-hour course with a proven framework to help support aspiring entrepreneurs plan their business start-up. In this course, aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs discover how their business concepts match their personal visions, learn how to set realistic financial goals, and determine their target market and competitive advantage.
FASTTRAC GrowthVenture
a flexible, 30-hour course with a proven framework to help established entrepreneurs realize their business’ full potential through sustainable growth and operational efficiency. Targeted specifically to entrepreneurs who have experience running their businesses, this course focuses on the issues needed to analyze current business situation, determine models for growth, and improve profitability and financial performance – among other business growth strategies.
Hablemos Business
a 6-hour course focused on advancing the English skills of Latino business owners. Participants learn key business terms in both English/Spanish and are given the opportunity to practice business dialogue (business pitches, elevator speeches, etc.) in an English setting. By advancing the English skills needed in the business world, clients will be able to seek new opportunities that will lead to growth for them and their businesses.
SABOR Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)
(Savings Accounts for Business Opportunities & Retention) Available to individuals seeking business start-up and growth opportunities. Through this program, at least 64 individuals representing low-income backgrounds will have the opportunity to open a special savings account that will provide them with a 4:1 match. In addition to business and financial education training (a requirement to receive matching funds), this program will lead to further providing area Latinos with the resources and skills needed to improve their way of life.
Technical Assistance
Provides bilingual and multi-culturally sensitive technical assistance to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs on a case management basis. The business development specialist(s) discuss in detail with program participants the different areas of business creation and development. This can include business planning, finance/accounting assistance, license and permit registration, legal/insurance issues, location assistance, marketing, loan packaging preparation, and assistance with local Minority Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) certifications. The specialist assists clients in developing a timeline of tasks and responsibilities that will be put into place to manage benchmarks and other milestones in the startup/growth process. The ideal situation is for participants to fully understand the challenges of a business, including personal and legal obligations.
Workshop Series
Offers small business workshops to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. The workshops emphasize personal and professional development, allow for interactive learning, and provide business information and educations. HEDC determines workshop topics through feedback from past and existing clients to identify topics based on an understanding of client needs and invites guest speakers with expertise in the topic area.